I ran in to this while I was trying to access My Lacie NAS drive from my Windows 10 computer. NAS was directly connected to the network and no access permissions required to access the shared folders. I have set permissions according to the user groups. So anyone who got the access permissions can access the relevant folders and if users don’t have the permissions folders will not be displaying in the explorer

So I tried to connect this drive as a Network file share to my laptop and I was prompted with this error message on my screen. So I thought to share this post in my blog so anyone who has the same issue able to find this in the internet easily.

So I found that this access is blocking from the local group policy and I opened the Run window (Win + R) and typed gpedit.msc to open the Local Group Policy Editor.

Navigated to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Network -> Lanman Workstation and selected the Enable insecure guest logons as shown in the below screenshot.

By default it was disabled and I have enabled the policy

Click OK to apply the policy and tried to access the shared network drive, I was able to access My Lacie NAS drive from the windows explorer


Windows 10 home doesn’t have a gpedit.msc console. You have to install it manually as a third party tool. There are many links available in the internet. After installing the tool just follow the steps. Hope this will help you out.

Open Regedit, navigate here:


Double click on AllowInsecureGuestAuth and change it from 0 to 1. It should instantly start working without having to restart the computer or any Windows services/processes.

work solve my problem bu don’t forget to set Computer Configuration->Windows Settings->Security Settings->Local Policies->Security Options
set Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (always) -> Disabled